ICT WORLD: Jim Iyke delivered from demonic possession at TB Joshua’s church - View Pictures

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Jim Iyke delivered from demonic possession at TB Joshua’s church - View Pictures

Glory to God that nollywood star Jim Iyke have been delivered of evil spirit preventing him to find love and settle down as a man. But the deliverance was really amazing as nollywood bad boy Jim Iyke was rolling on the ground shouting and crying during his deliverance session at TB Joshua’s church (Synagogue Church of All Nations).

We just witnessed the Live deliverance of Jim Iyke at SCOAN on Emmanuel TV. It’s like a film trick but it was real. He actually fell on his feet and started crying as he was freed with the blood of Jesus. He was delivered from demonic spirits that had prevented him from finding love and getting married.
The demon wey dey Jim Iyke body strong sha…
He really gave the man of God a tough time… Lol
After he was delivered and came back to his senses,he was like “Who pulled my shoe”?
Come-on put back my shoe. Why did you allow them pull off my shoe?
Dont you know you’re embarrassing me or something like that sha— He was referring to the Girl and Guy that came with him who seems to be his PA.
He later walked back to his seat and fell down flat on the floor.  He was sweating and really looked exhausted, little wonder he was screaming “i cant breathe” when he was being delivered.
He later stood up,sat down and hugged the girl(maybe his PA) and she became emotional and started sobbing.
Jim Iyke Delivered From Evil Spirit At TB Joshua’s church
Jim Iykes Tweets After deliverance
"Lol Witchcraft?! Its imperative i underscore dt peo r oblivious to wat transpired. Ignorance is no excuse. Tailor ur opinion to wh u knw"
"99% celebs awak daily on wet pillow wif fat accts behind versace shades. Christ made me part of d 1%. Its profoundly disturbing to certain peo"
Jim Iyke Delivered From Evil Spirit At TB Joshua’s church - See Pictures
Jim Iyke Deliverance Pictures
Jim Iyke Deliverance1

Jim Iyke Deliverance Pictures
Jim Iyke Deliverance Pictures

Jim Iyke Deliverance Pictures
jim iyke

Jim Iyke Deliverance Pictures

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